2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates

TENA 911
The TENA Board is beginning to plan the 2025 Conference. Please check back ofter for updates.
Registration will open June 3rd, 2024, and the deadline for Early Bird Registration is August 21st, 2024.
Registration rates have increased this year
Attendee rates will be $300.00 and $325.00 (if paying after Aug. 21)
Non-Member rate will be $400.00 and $425.00 (if paying after Aug. 21)
Hotel Reservations will open June 3rd,, 2024 at 9:00 am (CT)
If you are a speaker and would like to be considered for presenting, please send an email to TENAadmin@gmail.com and we will add you to the mailing list.
This year's pre-conference, Enhance Caller Management, is part of NENA's Excellence in Dispatch program.
Due to the overwhelming response to this year's program we have had to close registration. Thanks for your support.
NENA’s Enhanced Caller Management course helps you become a better call taker, enhances your professional skills, and improves outcomes for your agency and the community you serve. From active listening to decision making, local knowledge to performing efficiently in a crisis, the journey to becoming a star performer under the headset starts here.
This exciting course builds upon basic standards, protocols, and policies to help you advance to the next level of 9-1-1 call taking proficiency on your journey towards professional mastery. Topics include: handling infrequent but highly critical events, improving listening skills, and developing a plan to keep your skills growing to meet new challenges.
The cost for this session is $150.00. You can register for just this program or for the full three-day conference. Follow the instructions on the registration form.
Maureen "Moe" Dieckmann, CEO, Moetivations, will be presenting ESSENTIALS IN 9-1-1 COMMUNICATIONS. This is a must for any emergency communications specialist, supervisor, or director. To review the synopsis and objectives of this program, click on the title above.
The fee for the Super Session is included in your Attendee registration fee or you can purchase a Wednesday Day Pass.
This year, we will go across the street from the Embassy Suites to Main Event. You will have unlimited play on the arcade games, shoot a game or two of pool, or bowl.
Shuttle buses will be available.
We’ll have a Viva LaFajita Bar and a dessert bar featuring cookies, donuts, and brownies. Coffee, Tea, Water and Soft Drinks
Replay is excited to be hosting the 3rd Annual TENA2024 Bowling Tournament again this year.
It’s a great way to network, relax, and showcase your bowling skills.
Each agency can register one team, with a maximum of 20 teams competing for fantastic prizes.
For more information and to register for the bowling tournament, click here.
Of course, it wouldn't be an Industry Partner Show without our partners. They will be joining us and exhibiting the latest in equipment, software, and technology.
We will be returning to the Tuesday Night Banquet & Awards Ceremony
This year's tourney will be at Champions Run Golf Course, just outside of Murfreesboro.
For more information and registration form, click here.
Conference Committees
Conference Chair
Jimmy Long
Hotel Committee
Shauna Atchison, Chair
Registration Committee
Justin Crowther, Chair
Programs & Agenda
Crystal Key
Eric Carpenter
Rose White
Sponsors & Industry Partners
Kim White, Chair
Food & Entertainment
Eric Carpenter, Chair
Joey King
Sean Lovejoy
Technical Committee
Eric Ritzman, Chair
Shane Clark
911 Professional Awards
Lynn Thompson
Jimmy Long
Rose White
Senator Joe Haynes Award
Rose White, Chair
Crystal Key
Jennifer White
Jamison Peevyhouse
Steve Martini
Golf Tournament
Eric Carpenter
Budget Committee
Justin Crowther, Chair
Jimmy Long
Rose White
Crystal Key
Shauna Atchison
Site Selection Committee
Jimmy Long, Chair
Rose White
Kim White
Joey King
Sean Lovejoy
Shauna Atchison