2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
2018 TENA West Region Representative
Special Election Candidates
TENA 911
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (Industry Partners)
Associate Member - The following shall be eligible for Associate Membership in the Association;
Associate members are individuals who provide products or services related to public safety emergency communications systems and related industries, along with individuals who have retired from such positions.
An associate membership will hold the following benefits and restrictions.
Non-voting status; voting status is reserved for established 911 districts within the state of Tennessee.
Allows up to 5 individuals to attend the yearly conference under the member rate structure.
Allows the Associate Member to publicize their membership and or support to TENA as an Associate Member.
Allows Associates to purchase TENA goods at a member rate.
Associate Members will receive preferred Industry Partner booth selection if desired. A Vendor registration will be required as well.
Allows up to 3 members under the Associate Membership to take courses offered by TENA that are free and any other offered course at a member rate.
Associate memberships will be accepted throughout the year, yet membership dues will be by August 1st of each year.
The dues for Associate memberships are Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) annually. A 10% late fee will be applied to renewed memberships not paid by August 1st
Receive access to the Members Only webpages.
New Associate memberships will be accepted throughout the year, yet renewed membership dues will be due by August 1st of each year. Individual membership dues will be pro-rated if purchased after Jan 1st of each calendar year.
If you are an Industry Partner who would like to join TENA, click here to complete and submit the application.
Virtual Academy
Kelly Sanders-Kelley
Patrick Adams
Justin Whipple
CRG (Critical Response Group
Andrew Birdwell
Michael Salonish
Swati Allen